HOT deal alert! Get Hamilton Beach & Bella Kitchen Appliances for just $4.99 after rebate!
Here's the best deal:
Purchase 3 Hamilton Beach & Bella Kitchen Appliances at $21.99 each
PLUS use the coupon code: SAVEBIG15 for an additional 15% off making them each $18.69
Earn $15 in Kohl’s Cash and $36 in Rebates
Final price: $4.99 each SHIPPED!
Choose from:
Crock-Pot 4-qt. Programmable Slow Cooker
Hamilton Beach Quesadilla Maker
Bella Hot Air Popcorn Maker
Bella Panini Maker
Hamilton Beach 16-Cup Rice Cooker
Hamilton Beach 6-Speed Hand Mixer
Hamilton Beach Egg Cooker
Hamilton Beach Stainless Steel Electric Can Opener
Hamilton Beach 2-Speed Hand Blender
Hamilton Beach 10-Speed Blender
Hamilton Beach 4-Slice Toaster Oven
Hamilton Beach 2-Slice All Metal Toaster
Hurry over to choose your favorites before they sell out. The links to the above appliances go directly to the deal.
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