Amazon Prime Members - Free October Early Release Books ($4.99 Value)

Heads up Amazon Prime Members! It's a new month which means you can get ONE completely FREE Kindle eBook! This month, you'll find six choices valued at $4.99 each and all books are available in advance of their official release date on November 1st!

Choose from one of the following FREE eBooks:

–A Tangled Mercy: A Novel by Joy Jordan-Lake
–The Extraditionist (A Benn Bluestone Thriller Book 1) by Todd Merer
–The Unremembered Girl: A Novel by Eliza Maxwell
–Mark of Fire (The Endarian Prophecy Book 1) by Richard Phillips
–The Honest Spy by Andreas Kollender
–The House by the River by Lena Manta

*If you don't have a Kindle, keep in mind that you can still read books on your computer or other mobile devices with the FREE Kindle Reading Apps found here.

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