Macy's Believe and #SantaProject - Mailing Santa Letters

Mail your letters to Santa at Macy's R. H. Macy's Santa Mailbox and they'll donate $1 per letter up to 1 million dollars to the Make-A-Wish Foundation. This wonderful Santa Mailbox is setup in Macy's stores around the country and it has become an annual tradition for my family. They count up all the stamped letters throughout the country and even deliver them to the post office!

To find a mailbox near you click here.

Macy's has expanded the experience to include online letters as well written directly on ..they will email them!

Here is their wonderful stationary that Macy's has too. Simply print it out and have the kids write their letters. We all pack up and head to mail our letters. Remember to put a stamp (they will be brought to the post office) and take pics for the memories!

They also have an activity guide on the site, which has coloring pages in it. I like to do that with the boys on the same day.

To read more about Macy's Believe project visit the Believe site here.

Macy's has always believed in Santa and so they created the #SantaProject, a mission to keep the story of Santa alive in our modern age by filling the internet with the magic of belief. Go here and see how you can share socially in the #SantaProject.

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