3-Pack Gyro Spill Proof Children's Bowls $9.99 (Retail $29.99)


Today only get this 3-Pack of As Seen on TV Gyro Bowl Spill-Proof Children's Bowls for $9.99 (Retail $29.99).

This bundle includes 3 bowls.

-Keep your home free from spills with this amazing, brightly colored bowl

-360-degree function keeps your kids snacks stable and in place

-Helps teach your child to eat by themselves without leaving a huge mess to clean up

-Spill-resistant for dry food and snacks

-Includes lids to keep snacks fresh

-Means you'll be wasting less of your kid's snacks on the floor, so you'll save money

-Saves you time in clean-up

-As Seen on TV


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